Notice is hereby given of the
of the Crawley Horticultural Society
to be held on
Thursday, 23rd February 2012
In the CHS Hall
Items to be raised as Any Other Business must be in writing and received by the Secretary by noon on 1st January.
Any nominations for election of Officers must be in writing and received by the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the meeting (by 9th February).
Any nominations for election to the Management Committee should be lodged with the Secretary prior to the meeting.
Refreshments will be served after the close of business. Please stay and have an informal chat with the Committee, your views are always welcome.
Trevor Figg
Society Secretary
All written documents to be sent to me at the hall address below or by email to [email protected];
Crawley Horticultural Society
West Sussex.
RH10 7AJ